Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Leading Yourself and Others in a Virtual World (Wintersemester 2022/2023)

Lecturer: Karsten Drath

General Information

  • Weekly Hours: 2
  • Credits: 3
  • Graded: yes
  • Enrolment Deadline: 01.10.2022 - 31.10.2022
  • Examination time §9 (4) BAMA-O: 15.03.2023
  • Teaching Form: Seminar
  • Enrolment Type: Compulsory Module
  • Course Language: English
  • Maximum number of participants: 30

Programs, Module Groups & Modules

Cybersecurity MA
Digital Health MA
  • Professional Skills
    • HPI-PSK-ML Management and Leadership
Data Engineering MA
IT-Systems Engineering MA
Software Systems Engineering MA


­­1. Leading Self

  • Leading Self
  • How does Resilience work?
  • Risk- and Protective Factors
  • Victim- or Shaper mode
  • Interview “Leaders Talk”
  • My development plan

2. Leading Others

  • Management vs. Leadership
  • Six Leadership Styles by Daniel Goleman
  • Self Assessment: My leadership signature
  • How leaders grow
  • Interview “Leaders Talk”
  • My development plan

3. Leading Virtually

  • Leading virtual teams
  • Success factors
  • Self-Assessment Leading Virtually
  • Interview “Leaders Talk”
  • Virtual Inspiration Challenge
  • My development plan



Part 1: Leading Self

Part 2: Leading Others

  • Please complete the Goleman Leadership Style Self-Assessment.
  • Leadership That Gets Results; Daniel Goleman
  • HBR Why Capable People are reluctant to lead; Chen Zhang et al.
  • HBR Why should anyone be led by you; Robert Goffee, Gareth Jones
  • HBR What leaders really do; John P. Kotter
  • LC Flexible Leadership with impact; Karsten Drath, Martin Kruse
  • HBR Seven Transformations of Leadership; David Rooke, William R.Torbert
  • Podcast “Leaders Talk”; Episode 28 “Ulrik Nehammer, how do you combine competition and values?” https://youtu.be/ZkSIwcq3alY

Part 3: Leading Virtually

  • HBR The Secrets of Great Teamwork; Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen
  • HBR 5 Questions That (Newly) Virtual Leaders Should Ask Themselves; Melissa Raffoni
  • HBR Getting Virtual Teams Right; Keith Ferrazzi
  • BBC The reason Zoom calls drain your energy; Manyu Jiang
  • McKinsey & Company - Revisiting agile teams after an abrupt shift to remote; Santiago Comella-Dorda et al.
  • HBR Podcast Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace; Amy Edmondson


  • Input
  • Class discussions
  • Group work with class presentation
  • Self-reflection
  • Interviews with guests via zoom followed by Q&A
  • Debriefing self-assessment
  • Application of concepts


Due 14 days after end of course:
• Hand in hand-written reflection journal (structured course handout with guiding questions)
• Structured essay: “My Development Plan”

• Class participation (20%)
• Reflection Journal (30%)
• My Development Plan (50%)



jeweils ganztägig 9-18 Uhr

Raum: H-E.51/52
