Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


Each year, the HPI hosts more than 50 scientific conventions, symposia and other events and is present on many international fairs and conferences.

Get more information about upcoming events on the following web pages:


The following list provides an overview of upcoming HPI events.

Current Events

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Workshop "Synergizing Data Engineering for Healthcare Innovation"

The HPI Digital Health Cluster and the HPI.MS invite you to a joint workshop in Potsdam. > Go to article


Young Women in AI Camp

Beim Young Women in AI Camp lernen Schülerinnen vom 16.-18. Oktober die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz kennen. > Go to article

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Fireside Chat "25 Years HPI - Past, Present, Future"

We invite you to an Alumni Fireside Chat on the topic "25 Years of HPI - Past, Present, Future" on October 17, 2024, at … > Go to article


Women in Tech Conference

HPI's Future Work Conference creates space for inspiring personalities to talk about the necessary change in the world … > Go to article


HPI Code Night 2024

Die ganze Nacht wach bleiben und coden: Das geht für alle IT-Begeisterten ab 16 Jahren zur HPI Code Night im November. > Go to article


AI @ HPI Conference 2024

With the AI @ HPI conference on December 3-4, HPI aims to elevate the discourse on Responsible AI. > Go to article