Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Real-Time Data Support for Company Decision-Makers

Hasso Plattner Institute Demonstrates Real-Time Data Support for Company Decision-Makers

Meetings of committee decision-makers often suffer from presentations that lack up-to-the minute topicality, as well as slow data retrieval and a lack of opportunities for spontaneous collaboration. This situation has led master’s students at Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and Stanford University  –  together with the Siemens Group – to develop a state of the art solution for better collaboration between decision-making teams. Their innovation can be seen in CeBIT Hall 9 at the HPI booth D44.The new software system has been designed to help management provide greater support for decisions with real-time information as well as allowing faster and easier data navigation.

This modern team concept can accommodate up to eight top managers who stand or sit a special table. Above their heads are eight computer screens embedded in a hanging frame.  No monitor obstructs their view of meeting participants. Using tablet PCs, the daily agenda and important messages are viewed live and interactively along with current corporate data on the overhead display. Commentary is added as well as voice control for research purposes. If a manager says: “show me the income for China for the fourth quarter of 2014,” he gets an instant display of figures. For business managers and board members special technical knowledge is no longer a prerequisite to retrieving information.