Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Real-Time Analysis of Healthcare Data: HPI Makes Patient Care Easier

How can huge amounts of constantly accumulating healthcare data be searched with the latest methods of scientific analysis? Hasso Plattner Institute shows visitors how at CeBIT.

The HPI team headed by Dr. Matthieu Schapranow (m.) presents the analysis of health data at CeBIT 2016. (Source: HPI)

Based on the in-memory data technology, co-developed and researched at HPI, the highly secure web platform "Smart Analysis—Health Research Access" (SAHRA for short) can create a lightning fast, flexible analysis of patient care data. While in the German healthcare system a huge amount of information has been amassed up to now, it has not been used sufficiently to research and improve patient care.

HPI demonstrates how with SAHRA the data of anonymized treatment, billing, study and registry can be combined and made available for healthcare research. Strict compliance as well as technical, legal, and organizational implementation of data protection is guaranteed. 

HPI cooperation supports personalized medicine in cancer treatment