Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



HPI Innovators and Education Experts discuss "The Changing Campus of the Future"

What are the challenges facing the university of the future? This question is the focus of the conference "The Changing Campus of the Future", taking place from 28 to 29 September 2016 at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam in cooperation with the HPI School of Design Thinking and Steelcase. 

(Credits: HPI/K. Herschelmann)

International experts from the fields of education, science, and industry will discuss and present innovative solutions, current research results, and best practice examples from all over the world. Among the main topics are: connecting universities, designing learning environments, and the importance of design thinking in education. In six workshops, participants have the opportunity to exchange views about the future development of the campus, the role of architects, and the influence of design on the learning experience.

Dr. Claudia Nicolai, Academic Director of the HPI School of Design Thinking, will give a keynote speech "Learningspaces: How to create innovation versus Design Thinking". Prof. Ulrich Weinberg, Director of the HPI School of Design Thinking, will examine the importance of collaborative work within the Fishbowl in his talk "From IQ to WeQ Spaces". In addition, a research team from the HPI Stanford Design Thinking Research Program will be giving a workshop on the power of space and the support of innovation capacity in teams. Please find the detailed program here.