Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


In our research, as in our teaching, we place great emphasis on scientific excellence, practical and close cooperation with industry. With its research programs and specialized fields, HPI is a leader in the pioneering research of IT systems.

Research at HPI takes place under excellent conditions

At the Hasso Plattner Institute, we explore the foundations and applications of complex IT systems. Today, these are at the center of almost every organization. We take into account the entire life cycle of these systems as well as user requirements. Our students benefit from this approach – both in teaching and as a member of our research teams. Through collaborations (link to new page), publications and events, we disseminate our findings to the public with the aim of actively shaping and advancing the digital age.

Research News


Visit from California

Matthew Jörke and Lindsay Popowski from Stanford University are conducting their research at HPI this summer. > Go to article


HPI PhD student Nicolas Alder at the ICML 2024 in Vienna

HPI PhD student Nicolas Alder at the ICML 2024 in Vienna PhD student presents his paper on energy-efficient AI methods. > Go to article