In Hall 9 (D44) - where the themes “Job & Career” and “Research and Innovation” are in the focus - Hasso Plattner Institute presents its newly created career portal “HPI Connect.” Employers can get in touch with HPI students directly at Here companies are able to announce internships and job opportunities, introduce themselves with a company profile, and communicate their own recruiting events. Whoever books a so-called partner package is authorized to access a database of student and alumni profiles from the prestigious Potsdam computer science institute. Approximately 470 bachelor and master students are currently earning their degree in IT Systems Engineering at HPI and 120 innovators are trained here in the supplementary Design Thinking program. 120 PhD candidates and more than 1,500 graduates are also members of the target group of the new career portal.
This central interface is intended, on one hand, to support recruiting expects in the active search for highly qualified and particularly business-savvy junior staff members. On the other hand, students from the “elite forge” for IT engineers should come into contact early with companies, gain additional practical experience and an ability to orient themselves professionally after their studies. The information platform complements the company contact fair held by HPI every year: HPI Connect. HPI has also integrated its existing Alumni Service into the portal. HPI graduates report firsthand in job portraits, among other things, about their work. For HPI students who want to start a company, information on the subject of entrepreneurship is available at the platform as are exciting reports about successful start-ups by HPI graduates.