Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



GTI 2018/19: With over 200 km/h into the future.

How can an app inspire drivers of Porsche's premium electric sports cars, and how can production line managers and IT administrators jointly identify and solve cyber security problems?  Participants in the master’s course "Global Team-based Innovation (GTI for short)" at Hasso Plattner Institute addressed just these questions and, with project partners Porsche and Rohde & Schwarz, developed the product-related prototypes "Circuit" and "Bastec".

An eventful time lies behind  the two HPI teams. Since the kickoff nine months ago in Hefei, China, the students have been occupied with the project partner tasks and developed and tested numerous prototypes. The students were then able to present the final project results to a wide audience at the Sugar EXPO in San Francisco.

What does GTI stand for?

The abbreviation "GTI" stands not only for the model of a well-known car manufacturer, but also for the development of innovations, concepts and prototypes as part of the Global Team-based Innovation course. "The aim of the course is to develop innovative solutions for the concrete challenges faced by participating companies. This happens in interdisciplinary teams with the industry partner," explains Christopher Schmidt, who is co-organizing the course as a research assistant in the "Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts" group. In this way, Schmidt adds, the students gained important project experience while the companies benefited from the perspectives of the young academics and innovative solutions. Students use the methods of Design Thinking in developing these solutions. During the project, students work on the given tasks with a global partner team from the Sugar Network and thus gain initial experience in cooperation beyond national borders and time zones.

Project results 2019/19:

Circuit - Personalized routes for Porsche e-sports car drivers

E-mobility is constantly increasing. The technology is becoming more mature and the use scenarios getting bigger all the time. In view of the release of the first all-electric Porsche next year, HPI students Maximilian Schall, Tobias Wutke, Nils Thamm and Ramin Gharib looked into the problems and possibilities of electric sports cars.

Together with four students from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, they have developed the "Circuit" app. This app offers route suggestions that are especially tailored to fit the needs of e-mobility and also take the driving behavior of users into account. The driver is also provided with information about interesting points along the route. Once the trip is over,  the app lets the driver share memories and key figures (e.g. the maximum speed reached).

The student team. HPI students: Maximilian Schall, Tobias Wutke, Nils Thamm and Ramin Gharib together with four students from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. (Photo: C. Schmidt)

[Translate to Englisch:] Das Studierenden Team: HPI Studierende: Maximilian Schall, Tobias Wutke, Nils Thamm und Ramin Gharib zusammen mit vier Studierenden des Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. (Foto: C. Schmidt)

Bastec - Security for industry 4.0 from Rohde & Schwarz

HPI students Tobias Nack, Jonathan Schneider and Felix Seidel, along with students from the University of St. Gallen, have developed solutions for industry partner Rohde & Schwarz. Within the scope of the project, the students investigated how industry 4.0 systems can be protected against cyberattacks.

Through numerous interviews with production managers, cybersecurity experts and IT administrators, the students found out that different people with different IT skills have to work together to fend off attacks on modern industrial plants. For this reason, they developed the Bastec platform, which allows the parties involved  to analyze cyberattacks and collaboratively develop solution strategies.

Student team for the Rohde & Schwarz project
The student team. HPI students: Tobias Nack, Jonathan Schneider and Felix Seidel with three students from the University of St. Gallen and the project managers from Rohde & Schwarz. (Photo: C. Schmidt)

Final presentation at Hasso Plattner Institute

After their San Francisco presentation of the successfully developed prototypes, on June 20, 2019, at 3:15 p.m., the students will present the concepts they have developed over the last nine months in the D-Space at the HPI Main Building. If you're interested in learning more about Circuit, Bastec or the Global Team-based Innovation course, please stop by—we would be delighted to see you!


From idea to product

The cooperation with HUK Coburg from 2016/17 shows that the prototypes developed in Global Team-based Innovation are not just prototypes.

The "kv-o-mat" application, developed by participants of 2017/18, gives the user an easy introduction to the world of private and statutory health insurance. The application was implemented by HUK Coburg and can now be found on the company's website: https://www.huk.de/anwendung/kvomat/ihre-angaben. A second prototype is currently being developed.

Application for the coming year:

Anyone interested can apply for the course next year until 26.07.2019. More information..


Picture gallery: GTI 2018/19