Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



IT-Studierende der renommierten Dalian University of Technology zu Gast am HPI

Forty students from the prestigious Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China are visiting Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for two weeks as part of the HPI Summer School program. Until 23 July they will be attending lectures and practical courses in the department of Internet Technologies and Systems. The focus is on the topic of IT security.

40 Studierende der DUT zu Gast am HPI
Approximately 40 students from the Dalian University of Technology are guests at Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. (Foto: HPI/K.Herschelmann)

In preparation for their stay in Potsdam, the DUT students participated in a course on “Internetworking with TCP/IP,” at the interactive online learning platform openHPI. Besides gaining insight into the excellent IT education at HPI, the Chinese students also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a new culture during company visits and excursions.

In his welcome address to the 40 Chinese undergraduates, Prof. Christoph Meinel emphasized DUT’s role as one of the leading technological universities in China. He is delighted about the visit of the motivated young computer scientists and hopes that they will also be an interesting exchange with HPI students.

HPI is committed to a close German-Chinese cooperation. Only a few weeks ago, Meinel was at Dalian to receive the award of an honorary professorship. Since 2013 he has held an honorary professorship at the Beijing University of Technology.

As a part of the cooperation project Internet Bridge: Germany – China, the junior  computer scientists at the two Chinese universities have the opportunity to attend HPI courses in cybersecurity via online transmission. Once a year, Meinel administers the exams in China and awards certificates to successful participants. HPI also has close connections to Nanjing University, where a branch of the HPI Research School has existed since 2011.
