Hasso-Plattner-InstitutSDG am HPI

AI Pilot Project Application

01.10.2024 – 01.01.2025

Welcome to the application form for AI pilot projects.

This form is designed to help you apply for and carry out your AI pilot project. It is aimed at organizations that want to implement and test AI solutions as part of a structured pilot phase. We will support you in making your project a success.

  • Project structure:

    • Preparatory buffer month: : Use this month to prepare everything for the pilot phase. (access to the cluster, data transfer, organization)
    • Two-month pilot phase: During these two months, we will support you in creating an AI prototype
    • Working hours of the team: We will support you 2-3 days per week with the project work.
  • Evaluation criteria:

    • Clarity: Ensure that your project objectives and plans are clearly defined.
    • Feasibility: Your project should be realistic and realisable within 2-3 months.
    • Impact: Impact of the AI solution on your organisation.
    • AI readiness: Demonstrate that your organisation is ready to integrate AI technologies.
    • Ethical considerations: Pay attention to the ethical aspects of your AI application.
  • Important dates:

    • Submission deadline: September 1
    • Confirmation: End of September
    • Project start: October 1
  • Basic prerequisite:

    • Consent to share data sets, models or programming codes resulting from the project with the general public.
    • Ensure that the aim of your project is to implement and test a prototype and not a production-ready solution.

What happens if your project is not selected?

If your project is not chosen for the current round, you will receive feedback from us based on the evaluation criteria. This will give you the opportunity to reapply for future rounds. The next application phase runs from November 01, 2024 to December 01, 2024.

Please ensure that all necessary information is provided to facilitate the assessment process. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you!

Online Application

Submit data …


First name *
Last name *
E-mail *
Name of organization *
Type of organization *
Are you based in Europe? *

Problems and requests

Title of the project *
Problem statement *

Please provide a brief description of your request, including specific applications, objectives, challenges, data involved and expected outcomes or benefits. (max. 2000 characters)

Proposed solution *

Explain how your proposed AI solution will address and solve the problem described. Describe your AI solution's approach to solving the problem, the expected results and benefits, the technical details and functionality of the solution, and how the solution will integrate into your existing environment. (max. 2000 characters)

Data example *

Maximum allowed filesize is 5 MB. Supported filetypes: JPEG, PDF, TXT, XLS, ZIP, DOC, DOCX

AI readiness

AI readiness in your organization *

Please select any fields that apply.

Our Performance Indicators

Publication of datasets *

Would you be willing to make datasets that arise from this pilot project available to the public?

Publication of models *

Would you be willing to make AI models that arise from this pilot project available to the public?

Publication of programming code *

Would you be willing to make the programming code that arises from this pilot project available to the public?

Data privacy *

I hereby accept the data privacy policy of the Hasso Plattner Institute.