Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Student Clubs

In the winter term 2006/07, the HPI introduced an initiative that provides students with an opportunity to actively participate in shaping life at the institute: HPI's Student Clubs. They enable students to grow with their projects while the HPI grows with the various clubs' activities.


Anna Zobel
Manager Student Clubs


E-Mail: klubs(at)hpi.de

Short portraits of the student clubs

Some clubs are prethemed, but students are invited to come up with their own ideas and start new initiatives anytime. The following student clubs are currently active:

Education Club (former School Club)

Artificial Intelligence Club

Automobile Club

Aviation Club




HPI Magazine

Entrepreneurship Club

EvaP Hacking Club

Student Representative Group

Festivities and Events



GameDev Club

HackHPI Club

Kicker Club


Visual Arts

Sustainability Club

PR and (International) Contacts

Robotic Club

Chess Club

Board Games


Book Club

Casual Coding

CoderDojo Club

Competitive Programming Club


Cybersecurity Club

Low Level Computing Club

Participation and Awards

From the end of their first term, participation in a club of their choice is compulsory for all Bachelor’s students. The time needed for club activities depends on the division of tasks and on individual commitment within each group. It is possible to move from one club to another.

Apart from the fact that project management experience is an indispensable soft skill, students benefit from club participation in multiple ways:

(1) If desired, students receive a certificate along with their diploma. This certificate documents extracurricular activities and can be an important advantage when applying for a job.
(2)The most successful student clubs are awarded a prize each year.

Awarded Clubs