Enter your e-mail address and then search the network to see whether your identity data, such as names, passwords, bank account information or other personal information, is freely accessible - this free security service is offered by CeBIT exhibitor Hasso Plattner Institute (https://hpi.de) in Hall 9, Stand D44. HPI uses its web platform “Identity Leak Checker” (https://sec.hpi.de) to carry out the check. Until now HPI has informed 10 percent of those who have already engaged in an online check that they have been the victim of identity theft. The Potsdam IT institute therefore also raises awareness by informing the general public to a great extent about the risks involved.
Last November and December more than 10,000 participants registered for HPI’s online course, entitled “Security in the Internet” – which focused on careful handling of data in the Internet. The free, six-week course was offered at https://open.hpi.de. At CeBIT the HPI provides a glimpse of similar exciting new offers planned for the future on its interactive educational platform. In February 2015, for example, a workshop on encryption will be held, focusing on e-mails, for example, as part of the program on “Safer Internet Day.”