Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

HPI-Kolloquium: "Setting up RNA-seq in a Pharma Company – An Experience Report"

Dr. Henrik Seidel (Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals – Bayer Pharma AG)

10. April 2014


Bayer Healthcare is currently in a process of changing from gene expression analysis with microarrays to RNA sequencing. With NGS came a number of novel challenges related to high performance computing, data storage, and algorithms which require new ways of thin-king and new types of solutions. For pharma, this also includes legal aspects, because we work with patient data. I will describe the challenges we have to face when introducing new technologies such as NGS or HPC in a pharma context. I will also talk about the decisions and experiences we have made on our way so far.


Dr. Henrik Seidel received a Ph.D in physics from Technical University Berlin. He carried out Post-Doctoral research in bioinformatics at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Ge-netics in Berlin before joining the research unit of Schering AG, now part of Bayer Healthcare, in 1999. Henrik’s area of expertise include gene expression analysis, statistical and mathematical approaches to data analysis, data integration, as well as initiating, driving and supporting early drug research projects. Henrik is in charge of managing the interface between bioinformatics and other functions like research IT and therapeutic research groups. Henrik’s current main focus is the establishment of RNA sequencing and NGS data analysis in general, including legal and IT related aspects.