Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
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HPI Research Symposium at SAP Next-Gen 2019

The Research Schools of the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany present their current research topics to the academic community in the NYC area, providing a forum for exchange and discussion of ideas among industry and academia.

When, Where, Who & What?

SAP Next-Gen, 10 Hudson Yards
New York City | December 10 - 11, 2019

Reports from the HPI Research Schools

The world around us is increasingly digitally connected. As we begin to integrate the various technologies that have recently benefited our economy, society, health and everyday life, we are faced with new, complex challenges. These include the efficient processing of increasing amounts of data and extracting useful insights from these collections, both for industry as well as academic contexts.

At the 2019 HPI Research Symposium in New York PhD students and professors from both HPI Service-Oriented Systems Engineering (SSE) and Data Science and Engineering (DSE) Research Schools will be presenting their novel research in the fields of computer graphics, human computer interaction, deep-learning, connected healthcare, Agile software development, and data engineering.

The research talks and case studies will demonstrate industrial applications of modern service-oriented systems integration, analysis of complex data using deep-learning approaches, connected healthcare applications, as well as solutions for the Big Data and IoT challenges we face in our modern world.

We look forward to sharing research and expanding our network in the SAP Hudson Yards area!

Event Impressions

Poster Session Pictures

Sebastian Marwecki
Sebastian Marwecki
Julian Risch
Julian Risch
Christoph Matthies
Christoph Matthies
Vladeta Stojanovic
Vladeta Stojanovic
Sidratul Moontaha
Sidratul Moontaha
Mazhar Hameed
Mazhar Hameed


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

10:30 – 12:05Modern IT-Systems & Visual Analytics

Workshop Opening


Prof. Andreas Polze, Speaker of the HPI SSE Research School
Introduction to the HPI Research Schools
RailChain + Rail2X — Distributed Ledger Technology and WLANp Communication in German Rail’s Living Lab



Prof. Jürgen Döllner, Head of the HPI Computer Graphics Systems group
Spatial Artificial Intelligence

 Vladeta Stojanovic, Hasso Plattner Institute
Digital Twins for Indoor Environments
12:05 – 13:05Lunch
13:05 – 13:55Agile Computing & Human-Computer Interaction
 Christoph Matthies, Hasso Plattner Institute
Agile Software Development Process Improvement (in Retrospectives)
 Sebastian Marwecki, Hasso Plattner Institute
An Operating System for Virtual Reality
13:55 – 15:15Poster Session & SAP Tech Demo showcase
15:15 – 16:30Deep Learning and Digital Health
 Julian Risch, Hasso Plattner Institute
User Comment Analysis - Deep Learning in the Newsroom and Beyond
 Mazhar Hameed, Hasso Plattner Institute
Data Preparation: A Survey of Commercial Tools
 Sidratul Moontaha, Hasso Plattner Institute
Applications of Kalman filter Technology in Healthcare Systems
16:30 – 16:45Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:35SAP Next-Gen & Emerging Technologies


Ann Rosenberg
Global Head of SAP Next-Gen & SAP University Alliances

Harry Benjamin
SAP Solution Specialist @ SAP Experience Center
SAP Emerging Technologies

17:35 – 17:45Closing Remarks
 Dr. Joann Halpern,
Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, New York
18:00 – 21:00

Social Event

Dinner (off-site)


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

11:00 – 12:00

Poster Session

HPI Ph.D. students present their research

Industry/Academia Networking Mixer

12:00 – 12:20Coffee Break
12:20 – 13:30

SAP and HPI Meetup


13:30 – 15:30

Lunch& Social Event

New York Highline Walking Tour


The HPI Research Symposium

The HPI Research Schools for "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" (SSE) and "Data Science and Engineering" (DSE) are the two graduate schools of the Hasso Plattner Institute. The branches of the graduate schools are in Cape Town, Haifa and Nanjing. Students enjoy a great research environment and close mentorship by professors and postdocs.

The HPI Research School on Service-Oriented Systems Engineering (SSE)

The HPI SSE Research School has dedicated itself to the field of software engineering in the context of service-oriented systems. The design, analysis and implementation of service-oriented architectures poses numerous research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration.

Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a synthesis of best practices in object orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management, providing integration of business and IT concerns. The topics of the research school thus have a unique potential not only in terms of academic research but also in industrial applications.

The HPI Research School on Service-Oriented Systems Engineering, founded in 2005, is based on the model of the DFG (German Research Foundation) "Graduiertenkolleg". PhD students at the research school participate in joint activities such as lectures, seminars, winter schools and workshops.

The HPI Research School on Data Science and Engineering (DSE)

The 2019 newly established HPI research school on „Data Science and Engineering” unites PhD students in all areas of data-driven research and technology, including scalable storage, stream processing, data cleaning, machine learning and deep learning, text processing, data visualization and more. The participating researchers join forces whenever possible and apply their research to many different use cases across the interdisciplinary research groups.

The increasing abundance of data in science and in industry creates many challenges and opportunities. Data science has grown to be a foundational discipline in information technology, allowing new insights from data and creating ever more intelligent applications. Simultaneously, it is becoming increasingly difficult to collect, clean and deliver the vast amounts of data and apply and maintain complex data science processes. Targeting these challenges, the discipline of data engineering has become equally foundational.

The Members of the Research Schools

The professors of the HPI with their research groups are supporting pillars for the two HPI research schools. With their interdisciplinary structure, the research schools interconnect the individual research groups and foster close and fruitful collaborations.

Students enjoy an exceptional research environment, close mentorship by professors and postdocs of the research groups, interactions with their peers, enormous computing power in HPI’s data lab, and significant travel funding.

Please find the latest information about the PhD students of the HPI research schools, their research interests, joint projects, and events at https://hpi.de/en/research/research-school