Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Clinical Trials Recruitment

Contacting Candidates for Clinical Trials Within Seconds

(Source: HPI)

Today, the pharmaceutical industry faces a time challenge since approval of innovative new drugs requires successful completion of clinical trials. Identifying relevant candidates for clinical trials is untargeted and time-consuming, e.g. by running TV advertisements. Benefits for participants remain hidden during their participation, which results in relatively high dropout rates exposing many clinical trials at risk to fail before their completion.

Together with experts from the pharmaceutical industry, researchers at the Hasso Plattner Institute created an innovative data-driven way to identify and contact relevant candidates for clinical trials within seconds. Therefore, they incorporated latest in-memory database technology to test inclusion and exclusion criteria for registered users of the GesundheitsCloud in real time. Search results are clustered accordingly to identified similarities and ranked compared to perfect matching candidate. Ultimately, selected candidate can be contacted via the GesundheitsCloud platform to highlight the benefits from participating in the given clinical trials.

During the whole process, the personal identity of candidates is kept private. After informed consent by the personal medical doctor, the clinical research organization is contacted with further details. As a result, identifying clinical trials participants can be performed for the first time within seconds saving a tremendous amount of preparation time.