Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


Potsdam. Excellent Bachelor graduates in computer science have the chance to apply for a new Master's program at Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam (Germany). The program will begin in the academic year 2011-12 and is designed to lead up to a Ph.D. degree. From the outset the Master students will be integrated with the HPI Research School at Germany's excellent center for IT Systems Engineering. The main emphasis of the HPI Research School lies on “Service-Oriented Systems Engineering“ (SOA).

"Each year, we will offer ten top candidates from Germany and abroad the chance to join our Research School as early as during their Master studies. While doing their Master's degree the young academics have the chance to attend its seminars and workshops and to be part of research projects", said HPI Director Prof. Christoph Meinel. Therefore, the selected candidates will be members of one of the HPI research groups, and will be personally supported by one of the heads of faculty who serves as their “Ph.D. advisor”.

When applying for the “Ph.D. Track”, the candidates have to already propose a topic for their projected doctoral thesis, as well as decide upon one of the research groups at the HPI Research School. Candidates are selected by the professors of the HPI Research School. In order to be accepted as postgraduates the Master students have to participate in a specific assessment after their second semester and to specify the topics of their Ph.D. projects in the course of their third semester. Furthermore, a first scientific publication and some experience at another research institute – preferably abroad – are expected.

Students who decide against the Ph.D. Track after all or who fail the assessment finish the program as usual after completing their Master’s thesis. The Master’s thesis of the prospective Ph.D. students will be geared towards the Ph.D. project. After receiving their “Master of Science” (M.Sc.) they officially start the program and receive a generous scholarship – generally for a period of three years.

“Incentives for students are not only the excellent conditions regarding equipment and facilities, but also a potentially shortened length of study before gaining the Ph.D. degree”, Prof. Christoph Meinel, head of the institute, underlined the advantages of the Ph.D. Track. If Master studies and thesis are dedicated to the academic preparation of the Ph.D. work, a degree can be achieved as early as four and a half years after the Bachelor’s.


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