Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
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Outgoing students

Here you can find information about the application process, student exchange reports and FAQ.

The application deadline for the academic year 2024/25 is January 31st, 2024. The application form will be activated from 01.01.2024. Please note that there is only one application round for the entire following academic year (winter and summer semester)!


Apply now for your Erasmus

Application Process and Timeline

  • Please gather as much information as possible on the partner universities and the programs offered, and decide whether to apply for an Erasmus+ student exchange. 
  • Your application should include:
    • Motivation Letter (1-2 pages in English). Explain in detail why you intend to spend some time abroad, describe the topics you are going to study there and how the courses offered fit with your personal experiences, skills, and interests.
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Statement of credit points and marks, granted from HPI so far. You can obtain information in the HPI student office.
    • If applicable, your bachelor certificate and report card (Bachelorzeugnis)
    • Confirmations or certificates for language skills and/or mention of plans for language courses
  • During February: The decision on acceptance / rejection is based on the letter of application and the performance of the applicant at HPI. Notification of acceptance or rejection are typically sent out.
  • March: You must accept the Erasmus+ place: To do so, fill out the online acceptance form and hand it in to the Erasmus+ coordinator immediately, at the latest by the end of March, regardless of whether you are already going abroad in the winter semester or not until the summer semester.
  • April-June: Apply to the host university. Research the application process, deadlines and documents to be submitted on their websites. Some universities will send you information directly, others require you to take action yourself. Different deadlines apply for the summer semester.
  • In spring: Start to select the particular courses you intend to take abroad. A document called Learning Agreement is prepared by you and approved and signed by the Erasmus+ coordinator. Please remember to send us the links to the courses (one direct link per course, please) that you would like to take at the host university AND, in connection with this, to suggest a respective assignment to the modules/areas of specialization (assignment to a specific course is not necessary) at HPI. The learning agreement is sent to the respective partner university. The learning agreement is also relevant with respect to the approval of credit points. Please also see this document, which details the mapping of credit points.
  • Early summer: You start with trip arrangements and accommodation. Our partner universities are usually very helpful in organizing student housing and provide additional support.
  • Need help? Feel free to contact Cathleen Potter at erasmus(at)hpi.de or 0331 - 5509-4998 or see this Ablaufplan at IO.

Exchange reports by students

The University of Potsdam maintains many reports. An additional list is here:


Isn't there an FAQ of the University of Potsdam?

May I apply for student exchange with one particular partner university or may I apply for all available ones?

Do I lose one semester?

May I simultaneously apply for Erasmus+ at HPI and for other grants?

I am a foreigner. Am I eligible for an Erasmus+ exchange?

What financial support can I expect?

What happens if I fail some courses?

May I spend multiple semesters as Erasmus+ student?

Can I spend two semesters at two different universities?

Can I extend my Erasmus+ stay from 1 semester to a second semester.

Can language courses also be credited?

Are language skills in the respective national language required for the HPI partner universities?

What is the process for the recognition of study achievements and grades from abroad?