Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The challenges of SOA governance

Dr. Stefan Ried


Your save path to a corporate Service Oriented Architecture is a process full of challenges and risk. The SOA product vendors, even integrated SOA suite offerings, provide a variety of products. This offers multiple ways to implement a loosely coupled SOA infrastructure. However no unified methodology is yet implemented in the tools.

A major success factor in creating a SOA is the consistent metadata describing the available services and their usage by new processes and composite application. The appropriate service design lead to a service landscape with offers real value and highly re-useable services. Polices describe the possible usage in detail and avoid misuse, reflecting even some parts of service level agreements. Finally the Lifecycle of services, processes and composite applications must be managed in a consistent and holistic way. Imagine a service changed by one division, this might break a process running across multiple divisions.

This complete area of this new challenge for the CIO office is summarized as SOA governance. Software AG likes to share the experience of SOA governance and methodology with the audience.