Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The Annual Symposium of the HPI Research School

June 21 to June 22, 2007
Hasso-Plattner-Institut at the University of Potsdam, Germany.

All presentations were recorded and are available at the tele-TASK homepage.


The symposium on "Future Trends in Service-oriented Computing" (FutureSOC) 2007 is a follow-up of the HPI Research School Opening Celebration and Scientific Conference in 2006. FutureSOC highlights the recent work of some Research School members and outlines new trends in the area of Service-oriented Computing.

As the HPI Research School is an interdisciplinary undertaking of the HPI research groups, FutureSOC covers a wide range of topics concering SOC, like service description, discovery and composition, service deployment, platform configuration and capacity planning, monitoring, service middleware, service-oriented architectures, service management, information as a service, software as a service, service development and maintenance, novel business models for SOAs, economical implications of Web Services and SOAs, service science, mobile and peer-to-peer services, data services, quality of service, exception handling, or service reliability and security.

Excellent speakers, leaders in their respective field of research, are invited to talk about their latest projects and resulting outcomes.


Thursday, June 21

Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze / Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
Introduction of the Research School on "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" at Hasso-Plattner-Institut
Session 1 - Research Challenges in Service Computing: Semantic Web & Co.
13:15-14:45Sebastian Weber, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Angele, Ontoprise GmbH
14:45-15:15Coffee break
15:15-16:45Session 2 - Service-Oriented Computing: A Perspective from Industry
Jörg Beringer, SAP AG
Jürgen Kranz, Deutsche Post AG
16:45-17:15Coffee break
17:15-18:45Session 3 - Scientific Computing and Service Reliability: The Link to other Fields
 Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Malek, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, GK Metrik
Stephan Schambach, Demandware Inc.
19:00-23:00Social event

Friday, June 22

Claus von Riegen, SAP AG (more)
Service Standardization: The SAP Perspective
10:15-10:45Coffee break
10:45-12:45Session 4 - Recent work of the Research School on "Service-Oriented Computing"
HPI Ph.D. students