Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

November Workshop with the HPI Research School on Scalable Computing

The workshop with the HPI Research School on Scalable Computing took place on Monday 22nd of November 2010 at the Technion in Haifa.

During this workshop, five PhD students of the HPI Research School and eight PhD students of the Technion presented their research topics. This was followed by a lively discussion on research collaboration at an informal meeting on Tuesday 23rd. 

Research School on Scalable Computing 

Workshop agenda
Monday 22nd November 2010

09:00-09:15Welcome and IntroductionProf. Israel Cidon
09:15-09:30Welcome and IntroductionProf. Christoph Meinel
09:30-09:45Practical wait-free queuesAlex Kogan
09:55-10:15Programming Models for Hybrid ComputingFrank Feinbube
10:25-10:40Cache or charge? Cooperative caching with creditGala Yadgar
10:50-11:10Coffe Break
11:10-11:25A simulator for massively parallel workloads

Oved Itzhak


Predictable communication for mobile systems

Uwe Hentschel
12:05-12:20Power and performance aware thread allocationYaniv Ben-Itzhak
12:30-12:45A granular approach for Information Lifecycle Management in the CloudJohannes Lorey
13:00-14:00Lunch break
13:45-14:30Lab tour for visitors
14:30-14:45Overview of GPGPU computing research at the TechnionMark Silberstein
14:55-15:10Traffic Redundancy EliminationEyal Zohar
15:20-15:40Porting Legacy Code to Emerging Processor Architectures via DecompilationJan-Arne Sobania
15:50-16:10Coffee break
16:10-16:25Minimal energy operating point in multi-cores (EARtH)Efi Rotem
16:35-16:55Monitoring ManyCore SystemsAlexander Schmidt


Flash-based Storage SystemsAmit Berman
17:30-17:45Summary and wrap-upProf. Israel Cidon, Prof. Andreas Polze, Prof. Christoph Meinel
Venue: Hall 1003, Meyer EE Building, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion


Time |Presentation Title|
11:00-11:10 | Introduction by Prof. Edwin Blake |
11:10-11:20 | Introduction by Prof. Dr. Holger Giese|
11:20-11:40 | Designing for Mediated Interaction: A case of Mobile Internet Use in a South African Urban Collective by Shikoh Gitau |
11:40-12:00 | Software support for creating mobile content for Education by Raymond Mugwanya|
12:00-12:20 | Trust and security in SOA: Reputation Systems by Rehab Alnemr|
12:20-12:40 | Preserving Apartheid experience narratives at the District Six Museum by Ilda Laderia|
12:40-12:50 | Virtual road side: Coordinating Disparate Groups by Christopher Chepken|
13:00-14:30 | Lunch Break |
14:30-14:50 | Developing Context-aware Services by Malte Appeltauer|
14:50-15:00 | Snap 'n Grab Lite - Mobile Media Distribution in Developing Contexts by Graeme Smith|
15:00-15:20 | Tool Support for Monitoring Parallel Systems by Alexander Schmidt|
15:20-15:30 | Towards a mobile solution for micro-entrepreneurs using mediated design by Mike Talbot|
15:30-15:50 | A Model-Driven Infrastructure for Self-Adaptive Software Systems by Thomas Vogel|
15:50-16:00 | Measuring The Impact of Mobile Technology Towards Mobile-Centric Youth in South Africa by Sena Lee Allen|
16:00-16:10 | Enabling VOIP Communication over Rural Wireless Meshed Networks using Bluetooth by Fritz Meissner |
16:10-16:20 | Clossing remarks - Prof. Edwin Blake
17:30 - 19:00 |Dinner |


11:00 - 11:10|Introduction one|Prof. Edwin Blake|
11:10 - 11:20|Introduction two|Prof. Holger Giese|
11: 20 - 11:40|Designing for Mediated Interaction: A case of Mobile Internet Use in a South African Urban Collective|Shikoh Gitau|
11:40 - 12:00|Software support for creating mobile content for Education|Raymond Mugwanya|
12:00 - 12:20|Trust and security in SOA: Reputation Systems|Rehab Alnemr |
12:20 - 12: 40|Preserving Apartheid experience narratives at the District Six Museum|Ilda Ladeira|
12:40 - 12 :50|Virtual road side: Coordinating Disparate Groups| Christopher Chepken|
13:00 - 14:30|Lunch Break||
14:30 - 14:50|Developing Context-aware Services|Malte Appeltauer |
14:50 - 15:00|Snap 'n Grab Lite - Mobile Media Distribution in Developing Contexts|Graeme Smith|
15:00 - 15:20|Tool Support for Monitoring Parallel Systems| Alexander Schmidt|
15:20 - 15:30|Towards a mobile solution for micro-entrepreneurs using mediated design|Mike Talbot |
15:30 - 15:50|A Model-Driven Infrastructure for Self-Adaptive Software Systems|Thomas Vogel |
15:50 - 16:00|Measuring The Impact of Mobile Technology Towards Mobile-Centric Youth in South Africa|Sena Lee Allen|
16:00 - 16:10|Enabling VOIP Communication over Rural Wireless Meshed Networks using Bluetooth|Fritz Meissner |
16:10 - 16:20|Clossing remarks|Prof. Edwin Blake|
17:30 - 19:00|Dinner||