The 8th retreat of the HPI research school took place on April 24, 2010 at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam Germany. The following topics were presented:
- Michael Menzel - “A Pattern-driven Generation of Security Policies for SOA”
- Alexander Schmidt - “Tool Support for Monitoring Parallel Systems”
- Stephan Kluth - “Performance Predictions for existing Business Process Models”
- Rehab Alnemr - “Reputation Object Model Applications”
- Johannes Lorey - “Data Placement Strategies for the Cloud”
- Emilian Pascalau - “What DOA, SOA and Mashups have in common?”
- Thomas Vogel - “Adaptation Using Model-Based Abstractions”
- Michael Perscheid - “An Interactive Approach to Dynamic Program Analysis”
- Uwe Hentschel - “Real-Time Requirements and Constraints within a Middleware for Telemedicine Systems”
- Thomas Kowark - “Creating and Validating a Service Landscape for a Project Management Dashboard”
- Frank Feinbube - “NQueens on CUDA”
- Tobias Vogel - “Data Quality Web Services”
- Basil Becker - “Making Control Loops Explicit when Architecting Self-Adaptive Systems”
- Artem Polyvyanyy - “Connectivity-based Analysis of Behavioral Models”
- Ivonne Thomas - “Trusted Digital Identities”
- Malte Appeltauer - “Fine-grained Adaptations and Distributed Programming with JCop”
- Mohammed AbuJarour - “Service Invocation Proxy Through a Universal Web Service”
- Dieter Hildebrandt - “Service-Oriented, Standards-Based, Image-Based Visualization of 3D Geovirtual Environments”
- Regina Hebig - “Towards Mega-Modeling the Development of Service-Oriented Enterprise Systems”
- Andreas Meyer - “Deriving Business Artefact Life Cycles in Process Model Repositories”
- Jan-Arne Sobania - “Decompilation of Native Code”
- Saurabh Arora - “A cloud based data outsourcing architecture”
New members introduced to the research school:
- Martin Beck
- Felix Geller
- Jan Klimke