Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

openHPI: Advanced Web Programming Topics for MOOCs (Sommersemester 2016)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (Internet-Technologien und -Systeme)

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 22.04.2016
  • Lehrform: Seminar
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

IT-Systems Engineering BA
IT-Systems Engineering MA
  • IT-Systems Engineering A
  • IT-Systems Engineering B
  • IT-Systems Engineering C
  • IT-Systems Engineering D


openHPI is the Massive Open Online Courses portal where everyone can enroll to courses offered by the HPI for free. Over 100.000 users have done this so far.

The seminar will deal with advanced web programming topics that should used in the context of scalable e-learning web applications. Topics from four possible topic clusters will be available and will be handled in groups.


  • Slides from topic introduction

Lern- und Lehrformen

Presentations and project works in teams of 2-4 people. Additional topics available on request. We are open to topic suggestions from participants, as long as they fit in the context of openHPI / MOOCs.

Topic 1: Offline Availability of Web-Apps and Mobile Usage

How can we use Technologies like Service Worker and Client Side Rendering to enable learning with no or low internet connectivity? Can these technologies also be sued to increase the site performance und the user experience for users with a good internet connection?

Topic 2: Improving performance of SOA Web Applications

openHPI consists of 20 Services, all written in Ruby. How can the overall Performance can be improved. Research and work in this field could be done on improving the existing services, improving the service to service communication or the evaluation of new technologies and frameworks.

Topic 3: Monitoring of SOA Web Application

How can the current monitoring Stack (New Relic) be replaced by a local service (maybe using ElasticSearch LogStash) or other technologies.

Topic 4: New Services and Apps

Prototype new services or stand alone tools to extend the openHPI feature set. This could also mean integrating existing or reusing existing apps. Example: Automated Slide detection, Collaboration tools, ...


  • Talk about a new web technology that will be used or is evaluated by the team (25%)
  • Attendance in the seminar
  • Mid term presentation of the group project (10%)
  • Final presentation of the group project (15%)
  • Project Documentation (20%)
  • Active contribution within group project (30%)


  • Topic presentation: 13.04.2016
  • Group and topic assignment: until latest 20.04.2016
  • Mid-term presentations: tba.
  • Final presentations: tba.
  • Hand in of project work and documentation: 23.07.2016
