Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Urban Analytics

Visual Analytics for Enterprise Data

Urban Analytics
(Source: HPI)

Data is becoming the "oil" of modern enterprises. There are numerous systems within a business environment that contain data that is crucial for decision processes, such as ERP systems, CRM systems, GIS system, but also personally maintained Excel sheets that may contain valuable information as a profound basis for successful decision making.

With "urban analytics" we aim to integrate heterogeneous data sources in the context of smart cities, virtual 3D city models, mobility and reachability, and geo-referenced enterprise data. Its major strengths include the ability to correlate, aggregate, and analyze multiple data dimensions in space, time, and semantics, while still exploiting the benefits of information visualization and visual analytics in 2D and 3D. Data from various domains, can be incorporated to quickly confirm or disprove hypothesizes or assumptions -- from sales, customer, and opportunity data up to sensor data originating from the Internet of Things.