Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

IoT for Environmental Monitoring

Methods and tools for analyzing and visualizing the influences of different emission sources

Environmental Modelling
(Source: HPI)

Air quality is an important factor for human quality of life. In order to improve it by reducing emissions, one needs to understand the composition of emissions. Moreover, it is relevant to identify the sources of emissions and their impact.

In collaboration with a leading German port infrastructure provider, we develop methods and tools for analyzing and visualizing the influences of different emission sources. In addition to emission data that is continuously measured by sensors, we incorporate information such as vessel movements, road traffic situations and weather data. Based on this, we model the emission situation in the port area. All information can be analyzed in a live view, but also be replayed and analyzed for any time window in the past. Additionally, we leverage statistical models to create emission forecasts based on historical data and anticipated traffic.